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About Us – The 140 Rule

Motivation and inspiration are an inextricable part of success and this is why The 140 Rule has set out to empower you towards the realisation of your goals. The 140 Rule aims at achieving this by spreading knowledge and development tips that will change life stories in the world.

My primary aim is to show you what it takes to become successful and the route to follow to achieve it. The 140 Rule remains the best platform to get motivation and inspiration tips to achieve your goals.

Mission and Vision

• To assist different individuals with the realization of their set goals.
• To infuse thoughts that will evoke their mental capabilities in taking goal achieving actions.
• To guide you and maintain goal-oriented behaviours.
• To show you the route to follow to become successful.
• We empower your vision.

Purpose of the Website

I believe that every individual has to do something significant and outstanding with

their lives. Notwithstanding the size of your goal in life, you are not going to achieve it if it is not properly mapped out. You have to understand your goal, its importance and how to define them so that you can achieve them easier. This is why I have decided to help you with techniques such as the “The 140 Rule”.
From time to time, I will be providing you with various techniques that will spur you towards discovering your true purpose in life. I will provide with tested and trusted, evidence-based techniques that have been used by different successful people for ages to achieve tremendous success. The success achieving methods that I will provide to you are simple, clear and unambiguous.
Furthermore, I believe that it is improper and a disservice to humanity to hoard all of these knowledge. Therefore, this 140 Rule is designed to bring you instant and huge success. You will get to discover how highlighting your humongous goals in a 140 words or less style will spur you to achieve great and magnificent goals. Follow me and get inspired to achieve your goals.