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A big goal should be one that makes your heart skip its beats and at the same time make you feel thrilled. People find it easy to set big goals but find it challenging to execute them. One of the factors limiting them from achieving their goal is the lack of clarity and fear. Setting your goals is important. It would give you a vivid clarity of what you really want. It’s not just setting any goal.

No big goal is achieved overnight. There are steps to take before you reach your desired destination. Being successful involves adopting the 140 rule and applying networking.


Lay Down Your Goals

In the creation of your goals, you have to make them concise and succinct as possible. Nursing a big goal is like finding yourself in a crowded place, if you don’t know where you are going to you are obviously going to get lost. Abiding by the 140 rule character which involves writing down your goals in the 140 character or less would help you achieve your goals more efficiently. Using the 140 rule will eradicate fear entirely and give you the needed clarity and the strides to take to arrive at your goals.

Imagine what it would feel like if someone asks you to go find some sort of treasure in a jungle, you would probably get confused and wonder where you are going to start from. A clear and well-written guide will help you arrive this destination quicker than you could imagine. With this analogy, one can see the immeasurable benefit of applying the 140 rule.


Surround Yourself with Like Minded People

After you must have laid down your goals using the 140 rule, it is pertinent to surround yourself with people that are of the kindred spirit. According to Shiv Khera’s book titled “You Can Win”, there are three things that influence our attitude; these include education, experience, and environment. The last factor contributes largely to how successful we are going to be. The network you are going to find yourself in will determine your net worth.

Well known successful people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, are in the position that is in today mainly because of the network of people they find themselves in. After you have determined your goal, you should evaluate and measure if the network you find yourself in is sharing similar aspiration with you. Are they aspiring to be successful in life or are they just waiting to flow with the wave of the tide?

Networking is not about collecting contacts, it more about planting relationships. You don’t build success; you build relationships and the people in this relationship with you in turn build succeed for you.

If their norm and value do not conform to yours, it’s time to snap the bond holding you in the network and aim for those that share the same mind with you. People in your network are going to come from different backgrounds and possess different experience and range perspectives. You can gain from this and expand your wealth of knowledge and wisdom towards achieving success. Go to the network whose member’s action will motivate, inspire and spur you towards taking the big strides needed to achieve the laid down goals and maximizing your net worth.

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